Friday, May 26, 2017


Post your facts directly here in a bulleted format. Questions to get you start: 
  • what do they look like?
  • what makes them an animal? 
  • what do they eat? 
  • where do you find them? 
  • any interesting/unique behaviors? 


  1. Annelida's
    - eat dead plants and animals
    -can be found in water or on land or anywhere
    -in cold weather their eggs will hatch in three months and in warm weather they have to wait two weeks while their eggs are placed in a hard tiny cacoon.

  2. Annelida play an important role in organic matter decomposition.
    They eat dead plants and animals.

  3. An Annelida looks like a normal earth worm.
    -Digest by an unsegmented gut running from mouth to anus
    -they have primitive brains that connect to a nervous system that runs through the whole body
    -Reproduce sexually and asexually
