Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Post your facts directly here in a bulleted format. Questions to get you start: 
  • what do they look like?
  • what makes them an animal? 
  • what do they eat? 
  • where do you find them? 
  • any interesting/unique behaviors? 


  1. - Body shape varied from spherical to long and thin.
    - Includes insects, millipedes, centipedes, and their relatives.
    - Most are terrestrial, but some are aquatic for part or all of their life cycles.

  2. -Centipedes and millipedes have segmented bodies and many pairs of legs.
    -Centipedes are carnivores, and they inject venom into their prey to kill it before they eat it. They also can use this venom for self defense.
    -Millipedes mostly eat dead or decaying organic matter and have no venom or stinger to attack with.

  3. - They are arthropods that have jointed limbs and a chitin exoskeleton.
    - They have singular, jointed (multiarticulate) legs rather than biramous ect...
    - During their developmental process they grow through molting, metamorphosis, or an incomplete metamorphosis.

    1. 3rd comment I remember reading from a website full of interesting facts about anthropods specifically because i thought the leg facts were gross

  4. Arthropods:
    -invertebrate organisms equipped with exoskeletons, jointed legs, and segmented bodies.
    -are by far the most common animals on earth.
    -have modular body plans, consisting of the head, the thorax, and the abdomen

    1. 2nd fact i read on a website called ABCs of Animals World

    2. I read about the jointed legs on the site above^ i remember this becuase it was nasty

  5. 1.Scorpions are deadly arthropods. These venomous critters kill more than 1,000 people annually. Scorpion mothers are not-so-good mothers. If young scorpions stay on the mother’s back too long, she might eat them.
    2.Christmas Island Red Crabs are amazingly fantastic arthropods. Incredible it seems but there can be up to 120 million individuals in a swarm. They gather on the beach of Christmas Island to mate.
    3.Male Fiddler Crab has two uneven claws, a big one and a small one. The big claw is for fighting and the small claw is for eating.

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  7. Facts about Glomeris marginata:
    1) Glomeris marginata can curl into a protective ball if threatened.
    2) Glomeris marginata prefers soil composed mostly of calcium carbonate and can be can be found in fallen leaves, fields, hedges, and hot areas like under stones or heavy wood.
    3) Female Glomeris marginata can grow larger than male Glomeris marginata. Females range from 8 mm to 20 mm while males range from 7mm to 15mm
