Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Post your facts directly here in a bulleted format. Questions to get you start: 
  • what do they look like?
  • what makes them an animal? 
  • what do they eat? 
  • where do you find them? 
  • any interesting/unique behaviors? 


  1. 1.There are nearly 200 different species of recognised sea urchin, that come in all shapes and sizes.

    2.Sea urchins are omnivorous animals and therefore eat both plant and animal matter. The sea urchin eats dead fish,barnacles,and sponges along with algae from rocks and coral.

    3.Sea urchin spawn during the spring and the female urchin releases millions of tiny, jelly-coated eggs into the water that are then fertilised by the sperm of the male urchin.

  2. 1. There are about 1,250 known species of sea cucumbers.

    2. Sea cucumbers eat miniscule particles such as algae, minute aquatic animals, and waste materials.

    3. When threatened, some sea cucumbers discharge sticky threads to ensnare their enemies. Others can mutilate their own bodies as a defense mechanism. They violently contract their muscles and jettison some of their internal organs out of their anus. The missing body parts are quickly regenerated.

  3. 1.) While the five-armed varieties of sea star are the most well known, not all sea stars have 5 arms. Some have many more. Take the sun star for instance, which has up to 40 arms.

    2.) Instead of blood, sea stars have a water vascular system, in which the sea star pumps sea water through its sieve plate, or madreporite, into its tube feet to extend them.

    3.)While they can't see as well as we do, sea stars have an eye spot at the end of each arm. This is a very simple eye that looks like a red spot.

  4. Three facts about Echinodermata:
    1) Echinodermata don't have blood, instead they utilize a water vascular system to carry oxygen to its vital organs.
    2) They can regenerate their body parts. They posses the ability to regrow lost limbs and even internal organs.
    3) Echinodermata don't have eyes or a brain, only a rudimentary nerve network.

  5. Sand Dollar Facts:

    1.) Sand dollars feed on small food particles in the sand. The particles land on the spines, and then are transported to the sand dollar's mouth by its tube feet, pedicellaria (pincers) and mucous-coated cilia.

    2.) There are male and female sand dollars, although from the outside, it is difficult to tell which is which. Reproduction is sexual and accomplished by the sand dollars releasing eggs and sperm into the water. The fertilized eggs develop into tiny larvae, which feed and move using cilia. After several weeks, the larva settles to the bottom, where it metamorphoses.

    3.) The top surface of the sand dollar test has a pattern that looks like five petals. There are 5 sets of tube feet that extend from these petals, which the sand dollar uses for respiration.

  6. 1.) Sea Cucumbers can grow up to 6 and a half feet long.
    2.)Lifespan is up to 10 years old.
    3.)Male sea cucumbers will be attracted to females by hormone scents.
