Friday, May 26, 2017


Post your facts directly here in a bulleted format. Questions to get you start: 
  • what do they look like?
  • what makes them an animal? 
  • what do they eat? 
  • where do you find them? 
  • any interesting/unique behaviors? 


  1. 1. The oldest fossils on earth are sponges which lived about 600 million years ago.
    2. Sponge skeletons are made of protein, collagen, and spicules
    3. There are more than 5,000 species of sponges, and only 150 of them live in fresh water

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  3. 1.Most porifera don't move, they pick a spot on a rocky, ocean floor, or possibly another animal, and latch on and stay put.
    2. Some tropical and deep ocean porifera can live for 200 years or more.
    3. Porifera can change the shape of their bodies.
