Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Boost for Bees

       In A Boost for Bees, an article written by Joe Bubar, it discusses the upcoming extinction for the species of the rusty patched bees. It talks about how the number of bees decreases due to disease and loss of habitat if there is construction near their hive. Pesticides are also a main danger for these bees, and although farmers spray chemicals to eliminate the pesticides, they can still end up killing the bees. Due to rusty patched bees being on the extinction list, invasion of their hives or an attempt to harming the bees specifically is illegal. 
       On the brighter side, it discusses the role of bees dealing with pollination, which leads the flower to be able to complete the reproduction process. It adds in that about one-third of our food crops are pollinated by bees which I find interesting because without reading this article I never would have realized how important a bees role is in our every day lives. In order to continue pollination and the reproduction process of flower, Conservationists are hopeful that the new measures taken to protect the rusty patched bumblebee will also help other bees that share its habitat.

         Bubar, Joe. "All Classroom Magazines." Biology News for Students. Science World, 10 May 2017.     Web. 15 June 2017

1 comment:

  1. SAVE THE BEES!!!!!!! Bees are needed for so many things and it is wonderful that people are starting to realize this!!!! It's a good (and bad) thing that rusty patch bees are on the endangered list so people are stopped from killing them.
