Monday, June 19, 2017

Therapy Animals and Possible Health Risks

Many hospitals, elder care centers, and other types of government service centers employ the aid of therapy animals but their regulations vary widely, some not even following the recommended guidelines for animal visitation. These animal-assisted intervention (AAI) programs are increasing in number, which brings the question of "Is this healthy for patients and the animals" into play. Many have pet allergies and there is a risk that zoonotic disease made spread. Zoonotic disease is especially dangers when proper health protocols are not observed carefully. Different facilities were surveyed and seven percent were found to not require a rabies vaccination. 
More rigorously made and informed guidelines and rules need to be put in place in order to protect not only the patients in the care facilities but the animals used to help them. When the proper requirements are not put in place, many, especially those who may have immune system deficiencies. Hopefully, soon enough these types of regulations will be put in place to protect every thing. 

Could therapy animal visitation pose health risks at patient facilities? (2017, June 19). Retrieved June 19, 2017, from

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