Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Reviving Dinosaurs

   Dinosaurs have been extinct for more than 65 million years. That's long before any humans were around to observe their behaviors.

    First researchers start with fossils. These are the preserved remanis of the dinosaurs or the foot prints and other traces they left behind. These remains can provide an idea of a creature's overall size and shape. The process is quided by subtile features on well-preserved fossils that indicate the size and location of a creature's muscles and tendons. such soft tissues normally don't get preserved as fossil(the way that bones sometimes do). So researches typically reconstruct a dino's musicals and tends based on what they see in living creatures today. 

     Now biomechanicists get to work. these scientists study how living things move. Working with computer programmers. they simulate how dinosaurs might have walked ripped open prey or tried to defend themselves from predators. These simulations can be quite detailed. And besides helping moviemaker. They can help scientists figure out what questions need to be answered.

Reaction: This is interesting on a topic of creatures that don't exists anymore its all just a guess.      

Questions: Are they more reptile or mammal?


-Posted by Maverick Sumner 

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