Friday, June 16, 2017

Why do turtles live so long?

If you weren't already aware, turtles can live up to 200 years old. Pretty unreal if you ask me. That's more than twice the age an average human lives. There isn't one concrete reason why, however. Scientists have come up with many different theories to explain it though. One theory points to their low metabolism and their cold-blooded nature. Their low metabolism makes it so that they do not have to eat that much to survive. Their cold-blooded nature means that they don't have to use a lot of energy to stay warm. Another theory points to the fact that turtles have evolved special defenses (their hard shell) against predators. It is very likely that all of these traits contribute to their longevity. Scientists are looking for ways to take what they can learn from turtles, and apply it to humans. There is no promising leads in this area at the moment. 

"How Do Turtles Live so Much Longer than Other Animals? | Ask Dr. Universe | Washington State University." Ask Dr. Universe. N.p., 07 June 2017. Web. 16 June 2017.

1 comment:

  1. I was very curious about the age of turtles after watching Finding Nemo. I think it's crazy that turtles can live to up to 200 years old! I wish I could live that long hehe. What happens if a turtle yeets out of its shell? Would it get killed quickly by predators or would it still last a while because its a savage?
