Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Armored Slugs!

Slug, Armored Slug Reveals Ancestry of Mollusks

A new species of Mollusk has been discovered! This breakthrough in scientific research gives us a glimpse into the evolution of Mollusks. The armored slug seems to be the most primitive relative to Chitons, and dates back to the earliest of Molusks (around 485-470 million years ago). The new species, Calvapilosa Kroegeri, lived during the early Ordovician period. 

A pretty great discovery in my opinion! I find it absolutely fascinating that we can look back at the fossil record and connect the dots between then and now. What I would love to know more of, however, is how this fossil relates to other Molusks besides Chiton. I would especially love to see the oldest common ancestor shared between all Molusks. 

Here's food for thought: What do you think a common ancestor of all Molusks would look like?
University of Bristol. (2017, February 6). Spiny, armored slug reveals ancestry of molluscs. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 8, 2017 from


  1. Truly mind boggling! I am curious about the same thing. The fossil record is interesting because we can follow the transformation of organisms such as this. And I can only imagine what all the mollusks combined would look like, without a doubt would be quite the sight!

  2. I agree this discovery is incredible. How did they discover it? did they find a fossil or some other type of evidence? Its pretty cool how we are learning more about the past everyday
