Friday, June 16, 2017

How Flamingos Can Balance So Well

Researchers at universities in Georgia conducted an experiment to gain more knowledge on why flamingos stand on one leg. They first had young flamingos at a zoo in Atlanta stand on an instrument that measured shifts in the flamingos’ centers of balance when they were resting, alert and still, and alert and moving. The results showed that their centers of balance shift less the less they are moving, so it is fairly easy for them to stand on one leg to rest - it doesn’t require a lot of extra effort. The researchers also looked at flamingos’ anatomy to see what adaptations they have that enable them to balance so well on one leg. By examining flamingo skeletons and bodies of dead flamingos, the scientists noted that the birds’ center of gravity is close to their knee, which is actually located inside their bodies. This gives the flamingos more stability when they balance on one leg; in fact, standing on one leg is more stable than if they stand on two. While there is still more research to be done, these studies and experiments help scientists understand more about flamingos and will provide valuable knowledge to future research endeavors.
This article was very informative and interesting. It was neat to read about why flamingos stand on one leg since most people have seen at least pictures of flamingos and know that they have that behavioral characteristic, but they do not know why. The knowledge gained from reading the article is fun to know since the facts in it are not conventionally taught and are also new, so people might not necessarily know them. Finally, the picture of the baby flamingos is adorable, so the article was worth reading for the information but also for the picture.

Y-H. Chang and L.H. Ting. May 24, 2017. How a flamingo balances on one leg: These extreme bird balancers stay upright with little muscle effort. Science News for Students. Retrieved June 13, 2017 from


  1. I had no idea that a flamingos knee is inside of their body and not in their leg. I'd like to see a flamingo standing on two legs because it sounds as if they would look as funny as a human with poor balance standing on one leg. The picture is also adorable!

  2. THESE PICTURES ARE SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! Its interesting that they are more stable on one leg than on two. They should conduct a study why they began to only use one leg to stand.
