Thursday, June 15, 2017

How Polar Bears Survive

In "Polar Bear" by the National Wildlife Federation, the author explains how polar bears have adapted to living in such cold weather. To start off, the outer layer of their fur is hollow, which gives the fur the white color that we see. This helps them stay camouflaged in an icy and snowy habitat. Also, they have black skin that is only able to be seen around the nose. They have a thick layer of fat below the fur that acts as insulation for the body to trap heat. Their footpads give them traction that prevents them from slipping on ice. Lastly, their large size generates heat. Polar bears have adapted to their climate, but are still an endangered species. I found this interesting because I was always curious as to how they are able to survive in such cold temperatures. They live till around age 25, which is awesome.


  1. I have always wondered what evolutionary traits provided Polar Bears with the ability to withstand such extreme temperatures. I liked how you explained all of the different ways in which polar bears can survive in the cold. Pretty dope they live to 25 as well.

  2. I think that is very interesting that polar bears are so different from other bears because of their climate. I wonder if polar bears will continue to evolve with the ice melting on the north pole. Will they evolve to better suit hunting in the water and overall swimming ability?

    1. They are going extinct unfortunately. Call me at 413-884-3670 to discuss more on polar bears.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
