Tuesday, June 20, 2017

These Killer Whales Exhale Sickening Germs

The article I read is " these killer whales exhale sickening germs." Veterinary pathologist Stephen Raverty studied whales off the west coast of the west coast of north america. he was trying to find out if the breath of killer whales was causing disease since the population of these whales had decreased by 20 over the post 20 years. Raverty decided to take to take samples of whale breath/saliva by using 95.5 meter pole and colet liquid droplets from 12 whales, Their exhaled breath did host disease causing fungi and bacteria since microbes lived in the whales lungs. possible reasons whales contracted disease may be due to farm run-off into the ocean of urine and faces.

Reaction: I didn't know they take samples of the whales breathe. its pretty cool that the researchers can stretch a 5.5 meter pole over a whales blowhole as it surfaced to collect fluid/ saliva to test whale breath for disease. 

Citation: Oosthoek Sharon, These killer whales exhale sickening germs May 15,2017 science news for student. org

-Posted by Ella Worthington

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