Sunday, June 18, 2017

Anemones Found under Antarctic Ice

Anemones called Edwardsiella andrillae are the new species that scientists and underwater robots have found in the Arctic, clinging to the underside of the icebergs. The mission was supposed to be studying ocean currents near the Ross Ice Slab, but cameras found the glowing anemones which changed the focus of the team. Frank Rack, science leader of the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said, "the researchers used hot water to stun the anemones and improvised a device to suck them out of their burrows and retrieve them to be studied. Unfortunately, we didn't have the proper equipment to preserve the animals for genetic analysis." The scientists stumbled upon an amazing surprise while on just a normal mission.

I found this article about the sea anemones super interesting. It's amazing how these scientists found a new kind of anemone just by surprise. I learned a lot about Anemones just from this article. 

Lewis, Tanya. "Sea Anemones Found Clinging to Underside of Antarctic Ice." LiveScience. Purch, 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 18 June 2017.

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