Monday, June 19, 2017

Sand Dollars: Dead or Alive?

Sand dollars are fun to collect and are a great souvenir, but be careful, because it is illegal to collect them while they are alive. It's very hard to tell whether or not a sand dollar is alive which is why people make this mistake so frequently, but sand dollars play an important role in their local ecosystem by controlling populations of smaller invertebrates and serving as food for larger organisms. There are some ways to distinguish the differences between a live sand dollar and a skeleton. Sand dollars have spines across its body that resemble hairs. These help the animal move across the ocean floor. If you hold the sand dollar in your hand and observe these spines closely, you'll be able to tell whether or not they are moving. If that are, it's alive. Another easy way to determine if a sand dollar is alive is its color. Sand dollars vary from a deep brown color, to a purplish-red color. When they die, the sun dries them out and they become a creamy white color. One final easy way to determine whether or not this creature is alive is through a substance called echinochrome, a harmless substance that the sand dollar produces that can stain your skin yellow. If you place a sand dollar on your palm for a minute, it will leave a yellowish stain if it's alive.

I've always been one to enjoy collecting sand dollars on the beach. Now I will be much more wary of whether or not the animal is alive. Sand dollars can only survive a few minutes out of water, so if you ever find a live one, return it to its home by placing it gently on the sea floor.

 Rader, Johnny. "Sand Dollars: Dead or Alive?" Sanibel Sea School. Sanibel Sea School, 5 Nov. 2015. Web. 19 June 201


  1. Sand Dollars? more like Sand Ballers

  2. I knew they were at one point alive, but I didn't know that taking them live was illegal. Interesting.

  3. WOW. I'll tell you this much. What I just read was FASCINATING. I can't say I knew that sand dollars were actually prayed on and eaten in the big blue. Also, I wonder why echinochrome is something that they release onto other things? Is this some sort of petty defense mechanism of theirs? Is echinochrome just a fancy word for them pissing themselves? Whatever it is, interesting stuff Coley.
