Monday, June 19, 2017

Are Animals Socially Aware?

It has been a common theme that many people think animals are better than humans because their lives are not strictly governed by implicit rules of behaviour. However, contrary to popular belief, several species of animals have social interactions far more complex than humans. For example, humans' close ancestor, the chimpanzees, have a social system that includes currying favour with gifts. The chimps make their way up the social ladder with clever strategic alliances and even murder or dirty tricks. Ants as well are organized into strict ranks with workers, soldiers, and queens. They also hunt down and capture ants from other colonies and use them as captives and even slaves! All animals have certain ways in which they do things, complete tasks, and interact with each other just like humans. Many give each other gifts, groom each other, and offer apologies in all kinds of ways. So if you have a pet, and you are getting the back of disapproval or a flattened ear, don’t try and bluff your way out of it, talk to them, they may understand more than you think.

Whyte, Ellen. "Ever Wondered If Animals Were Socially Aware?", 12 June 2017. 

Web. 19 June 2017.

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