Thursday, June 15, 2017

Chinese White Dolphin

The Chinese White Dolphin is really more pink than anything else. As a young dolphin it is grey but as it develops it turns pink because of the blood vessels under its skin. They're unsocial for dolphins, and have been seen traveling alone. The pod size tends to stay under ten dolphins which is small.  The population of Chinese White Dolphins is declining much faster than it should.This species is prey to sharks but more importantly the urbanization of the Chinese coastline which destroys their habitat. They also get caught in fishing nets and there is also much less fish for them to eat than previous years.
This website is a phenomenal source of raw information. It has a gigantic selection of species to choose from and gives an entire page of information for each. I did not even know that this species existed and it was very interesting to explore a less common dolphin. I wonder if their pink/white skin is an adaptation? The source does not discuss the advantages this dolphin has for its environment (maybe because the population is shrinking). Dolphins are my favorite animal so it is always fun for me to learn more about them.

Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa chinensis). (2017, April 25). Retrieved June 15, 2017.

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