Thursday, June 22, 2017

Are Gorillas really that strong?

It's well known that Gorillas are pretty strong animals, their build alone is impressive. The way they pound their chest is also an indicator of their pure strength. But just how strong are they? not only that but, how strong are they compared to humans? To start, Gorillas don't use their back legs as much as humans do. Mainly because they move around on all fours, and not the classic two leg human stance. Also Gorillas weigh a whole lot more then humans, yet their still about to run at incredible speeds. Which shows that despite their huge weight difference, they can still out run a human.

Moving on to the upper body of a Gorilla, this is where they are their strongest. It is said that they are up to six times stronger in their upper body then their human counterpart. This gap is pretty significant, Gorillas are way stronger then humans. So if a Gorilla and a boxer decided to fight, ill take the Gorilla any day of the week.

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