Friday, June 16, 2017

Illusory Shark Danger

Our culture has made it clear that sharks are dangerous and kill tons of people all the time. However, this stereotype is simply false. There are about 500 different species of sharks in our world. Only about a dozen are potentially dangerous to humans. And the likelihood of you being attacked by these types of sharks is very unlikely. 

There were 80 attacks worldwide in 2012. However, only 7 resulted in death. This is because humans aren't the prey sharks want. They simply mistake humans for prey they would usually desire. Honestly, sharks are more likely to eat other sharks than a human. For example, unborn tiger sharks have been known to their own siblings in the womb. The next time you watch jaws, stay educated on the facts. uhyuuuuu

"Why You Won’t Be Attacked By A Shark." PBS. Public Broadcasting Service, 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 June 2017.


  1. That is interesting that our culture has made shark attacks seem so much more likely. I never knew that humans aren't the prey that sharks actually want. However, 80 attacks still seems like a lot for only one year. Still a bit spooky. uhyuuu

  2. What 12 sharks are dangerous? I was scared to swim in the ocean because I watched the movie Jaws, but you informed me well that there was only 80 attacks WORLDWIDE, and only 7 resulted in death. Now I am much less scared, so thanks Smac! uhyuuuu.

    Side note: One time when I was really young I saw a dolphin fin when I was swimming in the ocean in jersey and I screamed "shark!" and scared and pissed off several families and the lifeguard.

  3. I think its interesting that sharks mistake humans for their other prey.
