Thursday, June 22, 2017

Stressing isn't the Bestest

Stress is a natural reaction the comes from our body's natural alarm system of the "fight or flight" response. This automatic response developed from our ancient ancestors in a way to protect themselves from potential dangers. Now a days we do not confront the threat of being eaten but we do confront other dead lines in our life. Stress is from when we are stuck in this fight or flight position and it can have long term or short term affects. There are short-lived minor stress that can have an impact on you like sweaty palms for example. But there is also Chronic stress, this stress is when it starts to interfere with your ability to live a normal life. The longer stress lasts the worse it can get for a person physically and mentally.

What we can do to prevent stress is:
-Identify what's causing the stress- You should monitor your state of mind throughout the day and make a list to organize your thoughts to become more efficient and to be able to set reasonable expectations for yourself.
-Build strong relationships- A relationships can be a source of stress but they can serve as stress buffers, so be sure to have somebody you can reach out to when you need a different perspective of life.
-Walk away when you're angry- Before reacting to a situation regroup your thoughts and reconsider, physical activities can also help work off stress too.
-Rest your mind- To distress yourself you should get the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep and to also cut off any distractions when you sleep at night. Also yoga and meditation is a good method to practice.
-Get help- Ask for help and consult with s therapist if you feel too overwhelmed.


America Psychological Association. "How Stress Affects Your Health." American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association, n.d. Web. 22 June 2017

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