Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hagfish and Their Amazing Abilities

Hagfish have a large sum of incredible qualities that make them so special, including their abilities to release thick slime from their skin, tie themselves in knots, and live inside dead bodies. As of today, researches have gained more knowledge about the long, eel-like fish that scavenge for small invertebrates and carcasses on the seafloor. Besides having sightless eyes and an additional three hearts, they are most primarily known for their ability to spew out slime when threatened or disturbed. Shockingly, these animals can release up to four cups in a fraction of a second. This slime consists of mucus and thin fibers which can clog the gills of predators when under attack. In rare instances where hagfish become trapped in their own slime, they are able to tie themselves in tight knots to escape. Additionally, hagfish have also been found to be incredibly flexible, fitting through small gaps as narrow as half of their body width. They are the only known animal to have a cranium but no spiral column, and a skeletal rod that most invertebrates lose in utero. This is what gives them such flexibility. Lastly, hagfish have also been recognized to live within dead bodies or carcasses that have been found at the bottom of the ocean. Researchers have discovered that these animals are the first to discover the remains before proceeding to burrow their entire bodies into the carcass. When buried too deep, they must escape by consuming the remainder of the body.

I personally think that hagfish have an abundance of marvelous abilities that they can use for offense and defense against other predators. Before reading this article, I only knew about the animal's ability to produce slime but as I continued to read, I realized that their other characteristics were really interesting to know about. However,  I'm also curious as to how the hagfish population is not overabundant due to their defensive mechanisms, and what types of animals are their biggest predators.

Dell'Amore, Christine. "7 Reasons Hagfish Are Amazing (#6: They Can Live in Dead Bodies)." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 14 June 2017. Web. 15 June 2017.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the hagfish are very interesting. I saw one in an aquarium once and although all of the slime is somewhat gross it was also very interesting to see. The fact that they eat dead bodies is really disturbing to me.
